Silverking Soya Foods

Contact: Kathryn Whitehead, Josh Currie

Address: 508-C Latimer St.

Community: Nelson

Phone: (250) 352-5897



Facebook: Visit us on Facebook

Silverking Soya Foods is a small batch, handcrafted premium grade tofu producer in Nelson, B.C. Silverking uses only Canadian sourced, certified organic, and non-GMO soybeans, which they use to produce tofu in 8 different flavors. This tofu is ofted described as being unique in flavor, smooth, delicious and nutritious. When you purchase from Silverking Soya Foods, you are truly supporting local, as their focus is on being locally sourced and using all organic and/ or wildcrafted ingredients.

Where to find our products:

Nelson Save-on Foods, Kootenay Co-op, Homegrown Market Nakusp, Rutabega's in New Denver, Gaia Tree Winlaw, Slocan Valley Co-op, Slocan Village Market, Kootenay Market Castlegar, Ferraro Foods Rossland and Trail, Evergreen in Crescent Valley, Procter General Store, The Goods Ymir, Salmo Foods, Meadow Creek Store, Eat Pure Market in Golden, Le Marche Gourmet in Revelstoke, Farmbound Vernon, The Vegetarian Butcher Kelowna, Nature's Fare Kelowna, West Kelowna, Vernon and Penticton, Fork Plant-based in West Kelowna, Localmotive Penticton, Kimberley Stoke Markets, Cornucopia Kaslo, Kaslo Front St. Market, Sunnyside Kaslo, Rusticana Grocery Canmore

When our products are available:year-round


