The Central Kootenay Farm & Food Directory (print and online version) is a project of the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council. By participating in this Directory you acknowledge and agree that:
- All material published in Canada is automatically copyright. However, we decline this privilege and place all the material on this website in the public domain, to be freely used and built upon. We would appreciate acknowledgement of the contribution of the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council.
- Content on the Website is provided for general information purposes only, to identify sources of food grown and processed in the Central Kootenay.
- Central Kootenay Food Policy Council provides the content on the Website in good faith, but no warranty or representation is given that the content is accurate, complete or up to date. Use of content on the Website is at your own risk. While the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council takes reasonable precautions to prevent computer viruses and other malicious programs on the Website, no liability is accepted for them.
- Information transmitted via this Website will pass over public telecommunications networks. The Central Kootenay Food Policy Council makes no representation or warranty that the operation of this Website will be uninterrupted or error free and disclaims all liability in respect thereof.
- This Website may contain links to other websites. The Central Kootenay Food Policy Council accepts no responsibility or liability for any material supplied by or contained on any third party website which is linked from or to this Website, or any use of personal data by such third party.
Please direct all inquiries to