The Central Kootenay Farm and Food Directory is an ongoing project of the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council. The Central Kootenay Food Policy Council was formed in 2016 and has 20 – 26 members who represent diverse locations, interests and sectors across the Central Kootenay Regional District.
The purpose of the Council is to be the formal bridge between local government and the many civil society and industry organizations working on food systems in the region, from food access to farming.
A food system is the place, relationships and activities that connect people to their food. The activities of a food system include production (fishing, farming, gardening and hunting), processing (personal or commercial), distribution, access (generally through grocers, markets, direct from the producer, emergency food providers), consumption and food waste. The full spectrum of food systems activities and needs are within the scope of the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council.
The Council serves to coordinate food-related initiatives across the region, reducing redundancy and enhancing the impact of the many but frequently disconnected human and financial resources invested in food access and agriculture in our region. The Council also links communities and initiatives across the Region so that the successes in one place can be adapted and adopted or augmented in others.
This Directory is one example of a pan-regional initiative that serves all residents and communities of the Central Kootenay. Those interested in learning about the project that enabled us to create this online and its sister print version of a Farm and Food Directory, can read our Directory Case Study.
More information about the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council can be found on the Council’s website: