Wloka Farms Fruit Stand

Contact: Barb and Frank Wloka

Address: 3524 Highway 3 E

Community: Erickson

Phone: 250 428 0510 OR 250 402 9344

Email: wlokafarms@yahoo.com

Facebook: Visit us on Facebook

Wloka Farms Fruit Stand is run by Barb and Frank Wloka and their marvellous staff. Frank grew up in Creston orchards while Barb married into the operation in 1980. Together, they owned and operated a fruit stand in Creston for 16 years while raising their family. During that time, many mistakes were made and lessons were learned. Then 10 years expat work/travel was followed by a return to the Creston Valley and 5 years of cherry harvesting (about 400,000 lbs annually). In 2012 the land was purchased at the corner of 36th Ave and Hwy #3. Planted to a mixed orchard, it became the base for the Fruit Stand which opened in 2014. The fruit stand is hard work, yes. Long hours, yes. But rewarding in every way. Frank, Barb and staff work about 30 acres of market garden and 30 acres of orchard - enough produce that 98% of what is sold in the stand is grown by Wloka Farms.

Where to find our products:

Wloka Farms Fruit Stand

When our products are available:summer, fall, winter

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