Address: 9114 Highway 31
Community: Kaslo
Phone: 250-353-2475
Website: wingcreekresort.comAlthough not in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), Wing Creek Resort is a strong contributor to our area's agricultural production. In addition to our resort and growing timberframe community, our 20-acre waterfront property is also home to a beautiful orchard and grows 10 varieties of apples, four varieties of cherries, two varieties of pears, two varieties of asian pears, three varieties of grapes, as well as berries, plums, peaches and walnuts. Through our Wing Creek Organics label, we produce about 300 jars of jam a year, available for guests and visitors to purchase in our on-site Gift Shop. We invite visitors to drive the 6km north of Kaslo to visit us at Wing Creek!
Where to find our products:
Wing Creek Resort Gift Shop
When our products are available:spring, summer, fall
Products: apples, asian pears, blackberries, cherries, grapes, organic jams, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, walnuts
Categories: Farm, Farm Gate Sales, Food Processor