Contact: Inanna Judd and Gary Diers
Community: Argenta
For 30 years, from April to November, Argenta Gardens (formerly Tipiland Organic Produce) has been making weekly deliveries of fresh organic produce to retail stores along Kootenay Lake. Farmers Inanna and Gary garden the benches in Argenta above Kootenay Lake in a wilderness setting. Hardworking neighbours are hired at fair wages throughout the season to harvest, clean and package vegetables for delivery.
The vision for Argenta Gardens is to supply the healthiest organic produce to the people of our region by caring for the soil and using labour intensive methods with a low carbon footprint to make a modest living. All produce is certified to the Canadian organic standards by the local certifying body, the Kootenay Organic Growers Society (KOGS). Argenta Gardens is committed to providing the purest, freshest, most nutrient dense and beautiful organic produce possible.
Where to find our products:
Kaslo Farmers Market, Kootenay Co-op, Save On Nelson, Ellison's, Kootenay Bakery Cafe Co-op, Front Street Market, Cornucopia
When our products are available:spring, summer, fall
Products: basil, beets, bok choy, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, dandelion, endive, flowers, garlic, greens, kale, lettuce, mustard, napa cabbage, parsley, pumpkins, romanesco, spinach, sweet onions, swiss chard, tatsoi, turnips, yukina savoy
Categories: Certified Organic, Farm, Wholesale Only