Hawthorn Creek Farm

Contact: Louisa and Bill Chapman

Address: 1911 Irving Road

Community: Tarrys

Phone: 2503996313

Email: hawthorncreekfarm@gmail.com

Website: hawthorncreekfarm.ca

Facebook: Visit us on Facebook

We are a wife/husband partnership owning 26 acres near Castlegar, BC. Our farm integrates simple technology with sophisticated understanding to produce pesticide-free crops. Focused on water conservation, we use wick irrigation in our 95-foot SolaWrap-covered greenhouse and ridge and furrow cultivation in our fields. Garlic, peppers and eggplants complement the main crops of squash, basil and heirloom tomatoes. Working with earthworms and deciduous trees to develop and maintain brown wooded soils for our crop land and transitioning our forested land to less fire susceptible, more productive hardwoods, our intention is to establish a legacy of fruit and nut trees that will flourish now and for future generations.

Where to find our products:

Ferraro Foods Trail, Kootenay Market Castlegar, Castlegar Farmers’ Market, Farm gate sales

When our products are available:year-round

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