Contact: Kenneth Sallitt
Community: Nelson, Salmo
Phone: 250 505 9252
From yards on the Nelson’s North Shore and the Salmo area, the bees and I produce two brands of honey: Six Mile Honey and Salmo River Honey. While no floral source predominates in any of our areas, each yard has its own unmistakable signature flavour which develops as the season progresses. As much as possible, and under challenging and ever-changing circumstances, I strive to nurture healthy populations headed up by home-reared queens and with the minimum of chemical intervention, in order to produce both a simple, no-frills product and of course, a free pollination service for the neighbours. While I sell year-round through Ellison’s Market in Nelson, most of my sales are at the Nelson farmer’s markets, where one of the principal enjoyments of the business is meeting new and repeat customers and informing and educating the public. I produce clear honey.
Products are available year round when available.
Where to find our products:
Ellison's Market, Nelson; Farmers Market, Nelson
When our products are available:year-round
Products: Honey clear
Categories: Farm