Contact: Mark and Lori Loran
Address: 2811 Popoff Road
Community: South Slocan
Phone: 250-359-5926
Website: www.diggardencentre.comFacebook: Visit us on Facebook
Dig Garden Centre was created by a husband and wife team in 2012. It is very important for us to grow as many plants as possible, this not only improves plant quality and availability but saves on long distance trucking (which also saves you money).
Our Vegetables & Herbs are grown using good quality seeds, Organic Sunshine mix, Organic Sea Soil, Organic Azomite, Organic Perfect Blend 4-4-4 granular, and Orgunique liquid fertilizer. No Pesticides or Neonicotinoids are used.
In addition to the bedding plants grown on site, we offer an abundance of exciting plant choices, including many hanging baskets & planters, hundreds of different annuals, vegetables, herbs, berries, perennials, and grasses. As well as an extensive offering of trees & shrubs. Open year-round but with seasonal hours allows us to keep a small core group with increased staffing as needed during peak times which benefits our family-type working atmosphere and our community economy.
Where to find our products:
DIG Garden Centre
When our products are available:year-round
Products: Bedding Plants, perennials, shrubs, trees
Categories: Farm