Contact: Nikko Snyder, Jeremy Sauer, Corky Evans, Helen Sebelius
Address: 6376 Slocan River Road
Community: Winlaw
Phone: 250-354-3163 or 250-354-3168
Website: www.againstthewindfarm.caFacebook: Visit us on Facebook
We are a multigenerational family farm committed to sustainable production, land stewardship, and creating a beautiful environment in which to live, work, and visit. Our food is organically grown but not certified.
Against the Wind is located on five stunning acres north of Winlaw in the Slocan Valley, on the unceded territory of the Sinixt people. Visit our U-pick for blueberries (July-August) and place direct orders for garlic (August). Follow us on social media for seasonal details and updates.
Where to find our products:
On Farm
When our products are available:summer
Products: Blueberries, garlic
Categories: Farm, Farm Gate Sales